Please fill out this form for each trademark you would like a free "mini" search for (also called a knockout trademark search).
Your brand name, name in stylized font, logo, design, name + logo, slogan, tagline, etc. are all different trademarks.
for more information on types of trademarks.
If you have multiple trademarks, please click on the link again and submit another form (one for
Each answer on this form must be completed in full
If this form is only partially completed, we will not be able to perform your search and you will need to submit the entire form again.
Do not submit answers to this form via email, social media, text messages, etc.
The answers you submit in this form are confidential.
This form DOES NOT create an attorney-client relationship. No attorney-client relationship exists until you sign a contract with our firm AND pay your invoice.
Point of Contact Information
Who will we be communicating with regarding the trademark search?
Contact information
First name
Middle name
Last name
Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Default email false
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Phone numbers
Phone number
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Trademark Information
What do you want to trademark?
Word or Phrase (standard font)
Write all the text in your trademark. Including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Word or Phrase (stylized font)
Write all the text in your trademark. Including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your stylized font logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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Image (logo or design)
Write all the text in your trademark. Including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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Combination of Word + Design (logo or design)
Write all the text in your trademark. Including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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If your trademark has words, do you have a capitalization preference? If yes, write your mark EXACTLY with the capitalization/punctuation preference. Write "N/A" if your mark does not have words/letters.
Does the mark contain any non-English language?
Does the mark contain any non-Latin characters?
Does the mark contain a name, likeness, portrait, or signature of a living human?
Have you previously filed a trademark application with the USPTO for this brand?
When was this filed? Providing the filing date.
Did you use a law firm or company (LegalZoom, Trademark Engine, etc.) to file the trademark application?
What is the USPTO Serial Number (Application Number) for the trademark(s) that were filed for this brand?
Trademark Ownership Information
Who owns the brand/trademark? Use "Individual" if you have not yet registered your LLC/business.
What type of entity is the brand/trademark owner?
What is the full legal name of the Individual Owner?
Which state is the Individual Owner a resident of?
Is the Individual Owner a U.S. citizen?
What is the full legal name of the LLC?
Which state is the LLC organized in?
Is the LLC currently (today) in good standing? Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you have checked the Secretary of State's website to confirm that the LLC is in good standing.
Does the LLC use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full name of the Member/Authorized Representative that has authorization to sign on behalf of the LLC? If same as Point of Contact, write "Same as POC".
What is the full legal name of the Partnership?
What state is the Partnership formed in?
Does the Partnership use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
Limited Partnership
What is the full legal name of the Limited Partnership?
Which state is the Limited Partnership formed in?
Does the Limited Partnership use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
What is the full legal name of the Corporation?
What state is the Corporation incorporated in?
Does the Corporation use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
Is the Corporation currently (today) in good standing? Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you have checked the Secretary of State's website to confirm that the Corporation is in good standing.
What is the full name of the Member/Authorized Representative that has authorization to sign on behalf of the Corproation? If same as Point of Contact, write "Same as POC".
Joint Venture
What is the full legal name of the Joint Venture?
What state is the Joint Venture formed in?
Does the Joint Venture use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
Sole Proprietorship
What is the full legal name of the Proprietor?
Which state is the Sole Proprietorship formed/operating in?
Which state is the Proprietor a resident of?
Is the Proprietor a U.S. citizen?
Does the Sole Proprietorship use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full legal name of the Trust?
Which state was the Trust formed in?
What is the full name of the Trustee that has authorization to sign on behalf of the Trust?
Does the Trust use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full legal name of the Estate?
Which state is the Estate formed/operating in?
What is the full name of the Executor that has authorization to sign on behalf of the Estate?
Does the Estate use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
Trademark Owner Address
What is the full address of the brand owner?
Include Street, Unit/Suite No., City, State, and Zip.
Is the address a physical address?
Yes, this is a physical address
No, this is a virutal address (but not a PO Box or UPS Store)
No, this is a UPS Store
No, this is a PO Box
Trademark Use Information
Are you CURRENTLY selling/promoting any goods and/or services in the United States using this trademark?
Describe all of the goods and/or services that you are currently selling/promoting under the trademark.
Be as detailed as possible.
When did you begin to use the trademark in connection with these goods/services? Provide a month and year.
Are you PLANNING to sell/promote any OTHER goods/services under this trademark IN THE FUTURE? If yes, describe the goods/services here and an approximate timeline.
Be as detailed as possible.
Upload pictures/screenshots of commerical use of the brand in connection with the products/services you sell. This can be a business card, hang tag, website, etc. THIS IS MANDATORY.
For more examples, visit
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Describe all of the goods and/or services that you are planning on selling/promoting under the trademark.
Be as detailed as possible.
When will you start using the trademark in connection with these goods and/or services? Provide a month and year.
Global Trademark Protection
Are you currently selling any goods or services outside of the United States using this trademark?
In which countries?
When did you begin to use the trademark in connection with the goods/services? Provide a month and year.
Were you using the trademark in connection with all of the goods and services, or only a portion of them?
Do you plan to expand your brand outside of the USA?
Do you have any trademark application and/or registration for this trademark in another country (outside the USA)?
In which country or countries?
Upload all foreign application documents and/or registration certificates.
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Trademark Copying Information
Are you aware of anyone else that is currently using your brand (or a similar brand)?
When did you become aware of someone else using your brand (or a similar brand)?
Provide the name of the individual(s)/business/account that is currently using your brand (or a similar brand).
Provide a screenshot of the other party's use of your brand (or a similar brand).
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Provide a direct URL (if possible) to the 3rd party who is using your brand (or a similar brand). This URL should show the similar brand itself.
Are you aware of when the other party started using the brand? List an approximate date if known.
Which goods/services is the other party selling/promoting?
Are you aware if the other party has a trademark registration or trademark application?
Upload ALL documents related to the copying, including a PDF of all email communications, Cease & Desist Notices, screenshots of DM communications, etc. THIS IS MANDATORY.
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Truthfulness Confirmation
I understand that this form is for a complimentary knockout search ONLY and I will NOT recieve a full comprehensive trademark clearance search and opinion. I understand Ana Law is NOT liable for any results that are not uncovered in the knockout search and that knockout search results are PRELIMINARY only.
If you would like a comprehensive search conducted, let us know in writing via email after we give you the knockout search information.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm.
I confirm that I have reviewed the trademark fees at Ana Law before I submit this form.
Yes, I have reviewed the trademark prices at
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you have reviewed our trademark prices at
I confirm that the information I provided in this form is complete, correct, and true to my knowledge and belief.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that we rely on your honest answers.
I confirm that I have authorization (if brand owner is you, your company, employer, another party, etc.) to complete and submit this form.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you have authorization to submit this form.
I confirm that I am submitting this form with the intention of obtaining more information about my brand and not for any malicious or illegal purpose.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you are submitting this form in good faith.
How did you hear about Ana Law?
Attorney Referral
Who is the attorney (or firm) who referred you?
Client Referral
Who is the person (or company) who referred you?
Google Search
State Bar Website
Super Lawyers Website
Which podcast?
When you are finished, click the "
" button.