Please fill out this form for each trademark you would like a free "mini" search for (also called a knockout trademark search).

Your brand name, name in stylized font, logo, design, name + logo, slogan, tagline, etc. are all different trademarks.

See for more information on types of trademarks.

If you have multiple trademarks, please click on the link again and submit another form (one for each trademark). 

Each answer on this form must be completed in fullIf this form is only partially completed, we will not be able to perform your search and you will need to submit the entire form again.

Do not submit answers to this form via email, social media, text messages, etc.

The answers you submit in this form are confidential.

This form DOES NOT create an attorney-client relationship. No attorney-client relationship exists until you sign a contract with our firm AND pay your invoice. 

Who will we be communicating with regarding the trademark search?

Contact information

Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Phone numbers

Who owns the brand/trademark? Use "Individual" if you have not yet registered your LLC/business. 

Include Street, Unit/Suite No., City, State, and Zip.

If you would like a comprehensive search conducted, let us know in writing via email after we give you the knockout search information.

When you are finished, click the "Submit" button.