Thank you for choosing Ana Law LLC to prepare and file your trademark.
You must fill out a
intake form for
trademark. If you have multiple brands, you can fill out this form multiple times by clicking the intake link again (
ALL answers MUST be filled out to completion.
ALL relevant documents/PDFs/images/etc. MUST be uploaded to this form.
DO NOT EMAIL any answers, portions of any answer, or documents/PDFs/images/etc. - everything must be submitted in this form.
If this form is only partially completed, we will notify you and you will need to submit the entire form again.
Email if you have questions about how to use this form.
Do not submit answers to this form via email
Trademark Information
What do you want to trademark?
Word or Phrase (standard font)
What is the word or phrase you would like to protect?
Word or Phrase (stylized font)
Write all the text in your image, including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your stylized font logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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Image (logo or design)
Write all the text in your image, including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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Combination of Word + Design (logo or design)
Write all the text in your image, including words, letters, punctuation or numbers.
Would you like to protect the use of your logo/design in all possible colors OR in specific colors?
Describe all elements of the image. This should include colors, words, letters, punctuation, and numbers. Be as specific as you can. A perfect description allows the reader to recreate your brand without seeing it.
Upload a black and white image of your trademark.
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If your trademark has words, do you have a capitalization preference? If yes, write your mark EXACTLY how you would like it listed on your trademark. Write "N/A" if your mark does not have words/letters.
We typically file in all caps, but this is not a requirement.
Does the mark contain any non-English language?
Does the mark contain any non-Latin characters?
Does the mark contain a name, likeness, portrait, or signature of a living human?
Have you previously filed a trademark application for this mark?
Point of Contact Information
Contact information
First name
Middle name
Last name
Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Default email false
Add email
Phone numbers
Phone number
Add phone number
Trademark Ownership Information
What type of entity is the owner?
What is the full legal name of the Individual Owner?
Which state is the Individual Owner a resident of?
Is the Individual Owner a U.S. citizen?
What is the full legal name of the LLC?
Which state is the LLC organized in?
Does the LLC use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full legal name of the Partnership?
What state is the Partnership formed in?
Does the Partnership use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
Limited Partnership
What is the full legal name of the Limited Partnership?
Which state is the Limited Partnership formed in?
Does the Limited Partnership use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
What is the full legal name of the Corporation?
What state is the Corporation incorporated in?
Does the Corporation use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
Joint Venture
What is the full legal name of the Joint Venture?
What state is the Joint Venture formed in?
Does the Joint Venture use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
List the names and residency (state) of all related parties, including: General Partners, Active Members, and Individuals.
Are all related parties citizens of the United States?
Sole Proprietorship
What is the full legal name of the Proprietor?
Which state is the Sole Proprietorship formed/operating in?
Which state is the Proprietor a resident of?
Is the Proprietor a U.S. citizen?
Does the Sole Proprietorship use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full legal name of the Trust?
Which state was the Trust formed in?
What is the full name of the Trustee that has authorization to sign on behalf of the Trust?
Does the Trust use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
What is the full legal name of the Estate?
Which state is the Estate formed/operating in?
What is the full name of the Executor that has authorization to sign on behalf of the Estate?
Does the Estate use any alternate name, alias, or trade name?
I'm not sure, I need help deciding trademark ownership
Type "YES" to confirm you would like to purchase a strategy session to discuss and decide trademark ownership ($200).
Trademark Owner Address
What is the full address of the trademark owner?
Include Street, Unit/Suite No., City, State, and Zip.
Is the address a physical address? The USPTO does not accept PO Boxes.
Yes, this is a physical address.
No, this is a PO Box - I need to add virtual address services.
Type "YES" to confirm you would like to purchase a virtual address service (starts at $200).
No, this is a PO Box - I need to use your office address and keep mine hidden.
Type "YES" to confirm you would like to purchase a hidden address service ($75 per trademark class).
This address will be public and listed on your trademark.
I understand.
I have privacy concerns, I need to add virtual address services.
Type "YES" to confirm you would like to purchase a virtual address service (starts at $200).
I have privacy concerns, I need to use your office address and keep mine hidden.
Type "YES" to confirm you would like to purchase a hidden address service ($75 per trademark class).
Trademark Use Information
Describe ALL of the goods and/or services that may be offered with this brand now AND/OR in the future. Specify exactly which goods/services are being used now and which ones will be used in the future.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! Be as detailed as possible so your trademark attorney can draft the most protective goods/services listing for your trademark application.
Are you CURRENTLY selling/using/promoting any goods and/or services in the United States using this trademark?
When did you begin to use the trademark in connection with the goods/services? Provide a month and year.
Were you using the trademark in connection with all of the goods and services, or only a portion of them? Provide full details.
Upload pictures/screenshots of commerical use of the brand in connection with the products/services you sell. This can be a business card, hang tag, website, etc.
For more examples, visit
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When do you plan to start using this trademark in connection with goods or services? Provide an approximate month and year. If you are not sure, write "unknown" below.
If you do not file evidence of commercial use of your brand, you will need to file the evidence AFTER we file the application. Type "YES" to confirm you understand that there is a fee for submitting the evidence later.
I understand that if I do not give evidence of commercial use of my brand in this AT THIS TIME (and in this INTAKE FORM), there will be a fee to submit the evidence later.
This late evidence filing service is NOT included in the Base or Guaranteed package.
Type "YES" to confirm that you have reviewed to see examples of acceptable evidence.
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand that IF evidence is NOT submitted NOW (IN THIS INTAKE FORM), you will pay a $100 fee for EACH category of evidence that must be reviewed by Ana Law AFTER this intake form is submitted (but BEFORE filing the application).
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand that IF evidence is NOT submitted BEFORE filing your trademark application, you will pay a $500 fee for EACH category of evidence that must be submitted AFTER filing.
Type "YES" to confirm that you will purchase the required number of post-application evidence filings (SOU filings) at: before your evidence will be filed with the USPTO.
I understand that trademarks are filed in different categories of goods/services. There are 45 categories (classes). The trademark service purchased is for 1 class. If I would like more classes (beyond the first that was included), the fee is $500 per additional class.
See for a list of the 45 classes
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand the filing fee for each additional class is $500 per additional class.
Type "YES" to confirm that you will purchase the desired number of additional classes at before your trademark will be filed.
Global Trademark Protection
Are you currently selling any goods or services outside of the United States using this trademark?
In which countries?
When did you begin to use the trademark in connection with the goods/services? Provide a month and year.
Were you using the trademark in connection with all of the goods and services, or only a portion of them?
Do you plan to expand your brand outside of the USA?
Do you have any trademark application and/or registration for this trademark in another country (outside the USA)?
In which country or countries?
Upload all foreign application documents and/or registration certificates.
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Would you like to be notified of the 6 month foreign filing deadline? This will allow you to keep your priority date if you file in another country within 6 months of filing your USA application.
Yes, I need to add this service
Office Actions / Next Steps
Would you like us to monitor your trademark application after we file?
Yes, add on this free service (included in both the base service + guaranteed service)
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that if once we report a deadline for an Office Action (Refusal) issue regarding your trademark to you via email, further reminders/follow-ups may not be sent and you agree to be responsive (within 5-10 business days).
No, do not monitor my application after the trademark application is filed
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand that missing any deadlines during the application process with the USPTO could result in your trademark lapsing. If you select this option we will not monitor your trademark after we file your application documents.
Would you like any Office Actions & other USPTO communications regarding your application sent to you?
Yes, add on this free service (included in both the base service + guaranteed service)
No, do not monitor my application or review any further communications with the USPTO after the trademark application is filed
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand that missing any deadlines during the application process with the USPTO could result in your trademark lapsing. If you select this option we will not monitor your trademark after we file your application documents and we will not report any deadlines to you.
I understand that after my application is filed, there are many additional steps to secure the trademark registration. Any additional services (such as responding to refusals, responding to oppositions, or additional legal advisement) will be billed as additional/separate services. ** Note: These refusal/opposition response services are included in Guaranteed Package.
Type "YES" to confirm that you understand you will be billed for additional legal advice and services that our firm provides (except for Guaranteed Package).
Trademark Copying Information
Are you aware of anyone else that is currently using your brand (or a similar brand)?
When did you become aware of someone else using your brand (or a similar brand)?
Provide the name of the individual(s)/business/account that is currently using your brand (or a similar brand).
Provide a screenshot of the other party's use of your brand (or a similar brand).
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Provide a direct URL (if possible) to the 3rd party who is using your brand (or a similar brand). This URL should show the similar brand itself.
Are you aware of when the other party started using the brand? List an approximate date if known.
Which goods/services is the other party selling/promoting?
Are you aware if the other party has a trademark registration or trademark application?
Upload ALL documents related to the copying, including a PDF of all email communications, Cease & Desist Notices, screenshots of DM communications, etc. THIS IS MANDATORY.
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Attorney Authorization
Is our firm authorized to prepare and sign your trademark application documents on your behalf?
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand we will send you an approval and signature link that will be live for 48 hours. If the signature is not completed within the 48 hours, a fee will apply to re-prepare your trademark application documents.
Truthfulness Confirmation/Declaration
I confirm that the information I provided in this form is correct and true to my knowledge and belief.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that we rely on your honest answers to prepare your trademark documents.
I confirm that I have provided full and complete answers to this form.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you have provided full and complete answers to this form (to the best of your ability).
I confirm that I have authorization (if trademark owner is you, your company, employer, another party, etc.) to complete and submit this form.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you have authorization to submit this form.
I confirm that I will review the trademark information documents Ana Law will send me and provide substantive feedback to the Ana Law Team within 2-5 business days.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you will timely review the trademark filing information we send you and that if excessive reminders are needed, your case will be paused and a $500 re-start fee will apply.
I understand that the Ana Law Team will now prepare the next trademark information documents based on my answers to this form. I confirm that I will review the trademark information documents Ana Law will send me and provide substantive feedback to the Ana Law Team within 2-5 business days of recieving the email.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you will timely review the trademark filing information we send you (within 2-5 business days).
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that if excessive reminders are needed, your case may be paused and a $100 re-start fee may apply.
I confirm that I will review future communications and reminders related to this trademark (and related legal matters) that Ana Law will send me and provide substantive feedback to the Ana Law Team within 2-5 business days.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you will timely review and respond to our communications and that if excessive reminders are needed, your case may be paused and a $100-$500 re-start fee may apply.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that if we do not receive a response from you to our communications about your matters (no complete instructions; no answers to all of our questions; no response to our emails, calls, or texts; not submitting the requested information/documents; etc.), then we will take no further action your case(s).
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that if we take no further action your case(s) due to your non-responsiveness or non-payment, your legal rights may be affected (for example: your trademark application may go abandoned, you may need to pay additional late fees, you may need to file special petitions to excuse missing deadlines, etc.).
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm that you understand that if once we report a deadline to you via email, further reminders/follow-ups may not be sent.
When you are finished, click the "
" button.