Please carefully fill out this form for
that a Statement of Use is needed for.
A trademark class is a category. There are 45 different trademark classes (categories) of goods/services.
If you have multiple trademarks/classes, please click on the link again and submit another form (one for
trademark class).
A FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH AND EVERY CLASS. Do not attempt to submit only one form if you have multiple classes for the same trademark.
Each answer on this form must be completed in full
If this form is only partially completed, we will not be able to prepare your Statement of Use documents and you will need to submit the entire form again.
Additional fees may apply if we have to review your form multiple times due to incomplete answers.
Do not submit answers to this form via email, social media, text messages, etc.
Background Information about your Trademark Application
You can find this information for each trademark class in our email(s) that we have sent you.
Serial Number (Application Number)
Trademark Owner (LLC, Individual name, etc.)
USPTO deadline for filing the SOU/Extension in this class
Ana Law's deadline for filing the SOU/Extension in this class
Point of Contact Information
Write the name/information of the individual who is submitting this form (the person we will be discussing the trademark with).
Contact information
First name
Middle name
Last name
Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Default email false
Add email
Phone numbers
Phone number
Add phone number
Are you currently selling/promoting ALL of the goods/services listed above in connection with this trademark in this class?
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you are using ALL the goods/services in connection with your trademark in this class
Type "PAID" to confirm you have already paid the $500 SOU Fee at for this class. Type "UNPAID" if you have not paid, but will pay in the next 48 hours of submitting this form.
Upload evidence (proof) that you are using your trademark in business with the goods/services. The file MUST be in the JPG/PDF format. This can be a website with your brand, business card, packaging, hang tag, etc. THIS IS MANDATORY!
See for examples on what is acceptable evidence of use.
Add attachment
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Choose file
This file could not be attached because it exceeds the 50MB limit.
Please choose a file.
Type "YES" to confirm the evidence you uploaded shows your trademark being using commercially ON or IN CONNECTION WITH the goods/services. Type "NO" if the evidence does NOT show your exact trademark and explain how your trademark is different from what is shown on the evidence you uploaded.
Being using commercially = being used in business.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you have reviewed to see the acceptable types of evidence.
Describe what the submitted evidence consists of.
If your evidence consists of a webpage(s), write the exact webpage URL(s).
If your evidence consists of a webpage(s), write the exact date(s) you accessed or printed the webpage(s).
When was the first time you used the trademark ANYWHERE (even not with these goods/services)? Write a month and year. Provide all details.
When was the first time you used the trademark in connection with these goods/services? Provide a month and year.
No, only some. I need a 6-month extension to provide evidence of use for these goods/services.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you would like a 6-month extension to provide evidence of use.
Type "PAID" to confirm you have already paid the $400 Extension Fee at for this class. Type "UNPAID" if you have not paid, but will pay in the next 48 hours of submitting this form.
No, only some. I want to remove the goods/services I am not using in this class. I have proof of use for the remaining goods/services.
Which goods/services are you currently selling/promoting that you would like to remain?
Which goods/services would you like to remove?
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you are using the remaining goods/services in connection with your trademark.
Type "PAID" to confirm you have already paid the $500 SOU Fee at for this class. Type "UNPAID" if you have not paid yet, but will pay in the next 48 hours after submitting this form.
Upload evidence (proof) that you are using your trademark in business with the goods/services. The file MUST be in the JPG/PDF format. This can be a website with your brand, business card, packaging, hang tag, etc. THIS IS MANDATORY.
See for examples on what is acceptable evidence of use.
Add attachment
Add attachment
Choose file
This file could not be attached because it exceeds the 50MB limit.
Please choose a file.
Type "YES" to confirm the evidence you uploaded shows your trademark being using commercially ON or IN CONNECTION WITH the goods/services. Type "NO" if the evidence does NOT show your exact trademark and explain how your trademark is different from what is shown on the evidence you uploaded.
Being using commercially = being used in business.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you have reviewed to see the acceptable types of evidence.
Describe what the submitted evidence consists of.
If your evidence consists of a webpage(s), write the exact webpage URL(s).
If your evidence consists of a webpage(s), write the exact date(s) you accessed or printed the webpage(s).
When was the first time you used the trademark ANYWHERE (even not with these goods/services)? Write a month and year. Provide all details.
When was the first time you used the trademark in connection with these goods/services? Provide a month and year.
No, none. I need a 6-month extension to provide evidence of use for these goods/services.
Type YOUR FULL NAME to confirm you would like a 6-month extension to provide evidence of use.
Type "PAID" to confirm you have already paid the $400 Extension Fee at for this class. Type "UNPAID" if you have not paid yet, but will pay in the next 48 hours after submitting this form.
Information We Need From You
Please fully answer the below questions and upload the required pdf/jpg.
Are you an owner or authorized signatory of the trademark?
Type your full name.
What is your role (individual owner, Member/Owner of LLC, Authorized Representative of Company, Attorney, etc.)?
Why are you submitting this form? Provide an explanation.
To the best of your knowledge and belief, no one else has the right to use this trademark in connection with your goods/services.
Type your full name here to confirm
False, I know of someone else with my trademark with similar goods/services
Please provide an explanation.
To the best of your knowledge, information, and belief, everything submitted in this form is true.
Please type your full name to confirm.
You understand that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and may jeopardize the validity of your trademark.
Please type your full name to confirm.
Is Attorney Ana Juneja authorized to sign and submit your SOU or Extension documents on your behalf?