Please carefully fill out this form for each trademark class that a Statement of Use is needed for. 

A trademark class is a category. There are 45 different trademark classes (categories) of goods/services. 

If you have multiple trademarks/classes, please click on the link again and submit another form (one for each trademark class). 

A FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH AND EVERY CLASS. Do not attempt to submit only one form if you have multiple classes for the same trademark. 

Each answer on this form must be completed in fullIf this form is only partially completed, we will not be able to prepare your Statement of Use documents and you will need to submit the entire form again. Additional fees may apply if we have to review your form multiple times due to incomplete answers.

Do not submit answers to this form via email, social media, text messages, etc.

You can find this information for each trademark class in our email(s) that we have sent you. 

Write the name/information of the individual who is submitting this form (the person we will be discussing the trademark with).

Contact information

Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Phone numbers

Please fully answer the below questions and upload the required pdf/jpg.